Scott County Abstract + Title

  • Title Company (Real Estate)
223 S. Holmes Street, PO Box 300
Shakopee, MN 55379
(952) 445-6246
(952) 445-0229 (fax)
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
  • About

    Scott County Abstract & Title is a full service, independently owned Abstracting and Title Company providing residential and commercial title services throughout Minnesota. With over forty years in the business of abstracting, title insurance, and real estate closings, we have the resources and experience needed to make sure we provide great customer service and quality work for you and your clients.
    We offer residential and commercial real estate and mortgage closings along with other title services.

    There are two basic types of title insurance policies. A lender’s policy, usually based on the dollar amount of the loan, protects only the lender’s interests in the property should a problem with the title arise. Similarly, an owner’s policy, usually based on the home’s total purchase price, protects only the homebuyer’s interests in the property should a problem with the title arise. An owner’s policy will provide protection against ownership challenges, errors or omissions in deeds, mistakes in examining records, missed liens, forgery and undisclosed heirs, among other things.

    Our friendly staff is and ready to handle your most challenging transactions. We are experienced in the following areas:

    Residential Transactions
    Commercial Transactions
    Owners and Encumbrance Reports
    New Construction Closings
    Construction loan closings and Disbursements
    Contract for Deeds
    Abstract Updating
    1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges
    Radius Reports

  • Whom to Contact